学校法人加藤学園  加藤学園幼稚園 




What does global understanding really mean? At Katoh Kindergarten it means cultural diversity of teachers and education in two languages. It is a place where English is used as a tool for communication and learning and not just as a subject to be learned. It is experiencing first hand other cultures and ways of thinking and seeing the world while at the same time developing an understanding and appreciation for Japanese language and culture.
In the Immersion Program children alternate between English medium classrooms and Japanese medium classrooms so that approximately 50% of their time in the kindergarten is in an English environment. The aim of the program is to provide an environment in which children are able to develop English language proficiency in much the same way they acquire their mother tongue of Japanese.
The door to the start of a deeply enriching three years is in front of you - waiting to be opened!



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